Multifamily Construction; Effective Ways To Reduce Costs

The construction or renovations of multifamily housing can be a challenge. With rising interest rates, supply chain disruptions, and a shortage of skilled construction has created hurdles to meet the high demand.

Finding cost effective ways to develop multifamily projects can be difficult with the continuously rising construction cost. These higher costs can easily take a big chunk out of your return on your investment.

Here are a few ways to reduce multifamily construction costs, while still having an attractive and trendy property.

To build new construction or renovate an existing building 

For an affordable development strategy, you want to partner with an experienced multifamily construction and renovation company.

This way you can avoid labor shortages and higher material costs. If you are looking for cost effective, renovating an existing property is typically the better investment. But finding the right property is key to a successful project.  Smart renovations include: flooring, kitchens, bathrooms, roofing, building, and technology.

Square footage 

If you want to save a lot of money, you may want to reduce a few square footage. More space means more materials will need to be used, and will significantly add to your bottom line.

The type of roof matters 

The type of roof you choose for your multifamily property can significantly impact your investment.  Choose function over style. Having architectural alleys and hips on your roof can be visually appealing, but they add money and time that can be applied somewhere else for a higher return on investment.

Quality materials are a must! Cheap materials, they may not allow water to drain properly, will end up costing you more in the end. It will also need to be replaced in just a few short years.

Avoid last minute changes

Updates at the last minute will usually cause a delay in construction. Which causes a ripple effect in the construction process, costing time and money.  Thoroughly plan out everything our before construction begins.