Florida/Georgia Multi-Family Housing Construction and Renovations

Building or renovating Multi-Family Housing, Hospitality, Healthcare Communities, and Senior Living Campuses in the Florida and Georgia areas is not an easy task. Making a countless detailed decisions while envisioning blue prints as a 3-dimensional space can be daunting, but that’s what SWET Construction Group loves to do! SWET Construction Group bridges the gap between… Continue reading Florida/Georgia Multi-Family Housing Construction and Renovations

Atlanta/Orlando Multi-Family Green Building Construction/Renovations

The Multi-Family housing construction is on the rise, the demand has made the multi-family housing, condominiums, and apartment building the largest share of construction in decades. In 2014 more than 45% of construction started in the United States was multi-family housing, but with the ‘Green’ and environmentally friendly buildings are growing at a rapid speed.… Continue reading Atlanta/Orlando Multi-Family Green Building Construction/Renovations