Atlanta/Orlando Multi-Family Green Building Construction/Renovations

The Multi-Family housing construction is on the rise, the demand has made the multi-family housing, condominiums, and apartment building the largest share of construction in decades. In 2014 more than 45% of construction started in the United States was multi-family housing, but with the ‘Green’ and environmentally friendly buildings are growing at a rapid speed.… Continue reading Atlanta/Orlando Multi-Family Green Building Construction/Renovations

Florida/Georgia Construction and Renovations

By entrusting your construction and renovation needs to the professional at SWET Construction Group, whether it’s for a Multi-Family housing, Assisted or Senior Facility, Healthcare, Hospitality, or Commercial space, we offer cost effective and efficient solutions. Every day there are over 10,000 people turning 65 years old, making the senior housing market booming! Seniors today… Continue reading Florida/Georgia Construction and Renovations