Florida Multifamily Housing; Construction & Renovation

The demand for multifamily housing in Florida is booming. Beyond its diverse job market, world renowned attractions, urban amenities, beautiful beaches, and fun night life. People from all walks of life are attracted to the Sunshine State, which is why construction of multifamily housing is flourishing. Creating great opportunities to invest in multifamily housing.  According… Continue reading Florida Multifamily Housing; Construction & Renovation

Popular Trends In Multifamily Housing Construction & Renovations

It’s projected that new construction and renovations of Multifamily housing in the Southeastern United States will be inspired by innovative designs, with natural elements, clean lines and have relaxation in mind. The popular trends featured in National Association of Home Builders Show include: White Kitchens Kitchen designs will feature industrial textures and white on white… Continue reading Popular Trends In Multifamily Housing Construction & Renovations