New Construction and Renovations in the Multi-Family housing industry, Apartments and Condos, in the Southeastern United States, especially Florida and Georgia have changed and grown significantly over the last decade. What are the top 3 factors cultivating these changes? According to Professors Albert Emeritus and Peter Linneman in the 2014 National association of realtors, in… Continue reading Recent changes in construction and renovations of multi-famiy housing
Tag: Atlanta hospitality construction and renovations
Orlando/Atlanta Property Renovations and New Construction
If you have recently acquired an out-of-date Multi-family housing, Apartment Building, Healthcare Communities, Hospitality, and Senior Living Campuses, or planning to renovate a complex you’ve owned for sometime, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the construction project. To simplify the project, ensure your work with a reputable construction group that is experienced and can address multiple… Continue reading Orlando/Atlanta Property Renovations and New Construction