The Multi-Family, Condominium, Apartment and Assisted Living Facility housing in the Southeastern United States, including Florida and Georgia, has experienced the quickest recoveries in the construction industry. “Decreased vacancy rates and lower rent prices have facilitated growth in the Multi-family complex starts”, according to World Industry Analyst Omar Khedr. The boost is also due to… Continue reading Boost in Multi-Family Housing and Assisted Living Construction
Multi-Family New Construction, Renovations and Disaster Services
SWET Construction Group is quickly becoming the most trusted Multi-Family, Assisted Living, Hospitality, Apartment and Condominium contracting companies in Southeastern United States. We specialize in new construction and rehabilitation of existing buildings including drywall, metal framing, flooring, painting, water proofing and disaster services. We strive to surpass the expectations of our clients. Success of Your… Continue reading Multi-Family New Construction, Renovations and Disaster Services