Orlando/Atlanta, SE U.S. Construction of Medical & Outpatient Centers

Community based medical and outpatient centers are growing fast in the Southeastern United States, Florida and Georgia. The health care revolution provides access to quality care to patients with the optimal design venue.

Mature male doctor standing outside medical office, portraitSWET Construction Group has extensive experience coordinating all the elements of a healthcare community, from the initial design to completion, setting the standard, drawing patient to the community and creating a valuable asset.

According to recent studies and publications, outpatient medical campuses are a great opportunity for investors, providing reliable returns. These studies focused on inpatient hospital care compared to outpatient care. While just a few years ago, inpatient care was 60 percent and outpatient care was 40 percent. This ratio is in the process of changing, with a higher demand for ambulatory care and treatment.

The growing trend in the medical profession is for interdependent cluster services, supporting professions, pharmacies, physical therapy, even restaurants and banking.

If you have an existing building, cost effective renovations present the opportunity to reduce your facility’s energy demand by installing energy-efficient insulation, doors, windows, fixtures, and appliances. Not only will this keep your operating costs down, it will make your facility more attractive to customers, tenants and patients. SWET Construction Group takes great pride in creating an integrated design and space planning for a positive impact not only for the building but also for the environment.

At SWET Construction Group we work with our Healthcare providers, ensuring our approaches, methods and services are matching the current demands and trends. Like the clients we work with, we have new machinery and technology as well as an ever-growing emphasis on safety, high quality and environmentally sound practices.

SWET Construction Group is committed to the evolution of health care facilities, contact us today for more information.