Orlando Apartment Housing, Quality Construction & Increased Profits

Investing in multi-family apartment housing construction in Florida and the Southeastern United States proves to have a high return on investment.

The Metro Orlando, the four county area, has shown a consistent growth in Millennials, over 174,000 just last year. Making it a significant hub for young adults.

iStock_000008881772Small-2“Orlando was one of the fastest growing metro areas nationwide for millennials,” said Andrew Woo, director of data science for ApartmentList.com.

Many Millennials are postponing and even rejecting home ownership in favor of renting, this growing evolution is changing our nation’s real estate landscape from fewer new subdivisions and more multi-family housing.

“Rachel Sauve gets ready for a bike ride at the San Sebastian Trailhead along the Seminole Wekiva Trail on November 21, 2016. The graphic designer moved to the Orlando area from a small town in Michigan almost three years ago. Looking the benefits of a long-term investment, she scouted houses in Thornton Park. Prices, though, were high. Down payment requirements were challenging. And she had to build enough of an employment record to qualify for a mortgage. The 26-year-old resorted to renting a one-bedroom apartment in South Seminole County for $855 a month” reported the Orlando Sentinel.

“First-time buyers have postponed entering the market because of student debt, uncertain job prospects, and couples delaying marriage and starting families, said Lawrence Yun, chief economist for the association.”

Though there are many construction groups out there, they aren’t all created equal.

Partnering with the right construction group will not only keep your construction costs low while achieving a beautiful architectural design, they will ensure your project is a great success by displaying quality traits such as preparedness, flexibility and awareness.

Todays renters are looking for quality construction, details and up to date amenities. At SWET Construction Group we understand our clients needs and minimize any surprises by continually working behind the scenes, foreseeing any problems and resolving them before they become big problems.

With over 66 years of combined experience, we build trusting relationships with our clients as well as our network of suppliers. Give SWET Construction Group the opportunity to show how we can increase your profits.

Contact SWET Construction Group for your next project.