Looking For A Contractor For Multifamily/Apartment Housing

Here in Central Florida, there isn’t a shortage in Multifamily housing contractors. It is a big decision, that can easily be overwhelming. Choosing the wrong contractor for your apartment buildings can end up costing you big! 

Start by understanding the renovations and their complexity, is it a remodel or renovation. Typically a remodel is more complex than a renovation, especially if it is dealing with the HAVC system, heating electrical, or plumbing. 

It is important to remember, choosing the cheapest job can cost you in the long run. The project may come in on budget, but at the price of cutting corners. 

It is important to verify the company properly insured, licensed, and certified. Ask about their previous work, their portfolio should have a variety of renovation and remodeling projects. Ensure they have experience for the specific work you need. 

SWET Construction Group is Committed to the Evolution of Multifamily Housing Communities

education-1651259_1920We focus on our clients’ needs and operational value.

We apply Lean Construction concepts and methods to reduce waste.

We bring highly experienced and knowledgeable team of professionals to your project.

We partner with our clients for a large variety of projects of all types and sizes, often involving specific skills, expertise and resources.

Apply leading edge technology, provide leadership, streamline design to meet the project requirements within budget.

SWET Construction Group is committed to exceeding the expectations of our clients. We understand the success of a project is created with a strong framework and the best value engineered solutions.

As a premier company, we specialize in multifamily housing, we provide the proper equipment, design and prompt and superior service to all our projects. We value our customers and minimize any surprises by continually working behind the scenes, foreseeing any problems and resolving them before they become big problems.

With over 66 years of combined experience, we build trusting relationships with our clients as well as our network of suppliers. Give SWET Construction Group the opportunity to show how we can increase your profits.

Contact SWET Construction Group for your next project.