Affordable Multifamily Housing Solutions; Waterproofing, Flooring & Design

Waterproofing in not only a fundamental requirement for multifamily housing, it is necessary for the integrity of the building and safety for those living there. 

Every year, inadequate waterproofing is responsible for millions of dollars in damages and serious problems. Waterproofing is a preventive measure investment, protecting against costly damages caused by water. 

Building not properly waterproofed? What can happen?

The integrity of entire building can be compromised by the infiltration of water and corrosion. 

Concrete, joints, and foundation exposed to water are at risk for cracks and structural problems. Such as, spalling, leaks, and deterioration. 

Another common problem associated with poor waterproofing issues is mold. Delimitation and rotting wood and structural damage, lead to expensive repairs. 

Exposure to mold spores can lead to serious health issues, fungal infections, asthma, eye irritation, and allergies.

A report by the World Health Organization states, health hazards are being caused by water leakage into buildings. In fact, there are around 50 diseases that are caused by damp and wet drywall. 

While, waterproofing is applied during initial construction, to ensure moisture is controlled. It’s also important to apply waterproofing as the building ages to protect water from entering and preserve the structural integrity of the building.

There have been many advances in today’s waterproofing technology and materials. Leading to greater durability, longer life cycle, and better performance. The team at SWET Construction Group has the expertise and the latest training in sealants, vertical and horizontal coating systems, and applications. Including polyurethane and silicone sealants, membrane systems and traffic coatings.

The profitability of Multifamily housing relies on keeping tenants for the long haul. An opportunity to improve renter retention shouldn’t not be missed. Value engineering based renovations make your apartment complex more desirable. The more appealing the space, the longer someone will stay and the more they will pay.

SWET Construction is proud to be a leader in the industry. We use the latest technology to deliver quality solutions to your project.