Construction & Renovations of Multifamily Housing

Continuing from last week’s blog,  on top of many renters lists for 2022 is a space that is private, clean, and supports wellness and health.

What will renters will be looking for in 2022 according to Motley Fool:

A Healthy Living Environment

The importance of staying physically and mentally healthy has definitely come to light. Giving your tenants options will give your multifamily housing an edge over the competition. Walking paths, gym, yoga room, and other fitness features on-site will offer convenience options.

A 2020 study of 7,500 people by McKinsey Research found that 79% of respondents believed wellness was important, with 42% saying it was a top priority. From a multifamily-housing perspective, this includes everything from the building materials and amenities to general cleanliness. Using low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paint and having fresh-air inputs with superior filtration sets things right.

Pet Friendly Accommodations

 A 2021 survey by the American Pet Products Association found that 70% of U.S. households have a pet. Allowing pets in the rental agreement is one thing, but offering convenient accommodations for those pet owners takes it one step further.

Since the pandemic, pets have become a high priority. Going beyond just a dog park area, but offering a dog wash station, treats in the lobby, convenient pet waste bags, or even an in-house pet service.

Regardless of income, customer satisfaction pays. Deloitte research found that customer-centered businesses are 60% more profitable than companies that are not focused on the customer. And multifamily is no different from the restaurant or shopping mall down the street. There are 21.9 million other apartment units in the United States that you need to set yourself apart from. Catering to your tenants’ needs and desires will set you apart from the competition and keep your multifamily property full and profitable.

Partnering with the right construction group will not only keep your construction costs low while achieving a beautiful architectural design, they will ensure your project is a great success by displaying quality traits such as preparedness, flexibility and awareness.

Contact SWET Construction for more information.